HomeLeadsGeneral InformationRemoving Leads from your app

1.1. Removing Leads from your app

This feature is available on the Premium version only.

There are different methods on how you can remove a lead depending on the device you’re using, so be sure to scroll to the correct instructions for your device. This option is only available on the app and cannot be done on the website.

Instructions for iPad

Press on the “All” leads button on the left-hand side of the screen. Find the lead you want to delete (you can use the search function) and tap the name.

On the lead detail page, tap on the "Trash Icon" to remove the lead.

Instructions for Android:

Press on the “All” leads button on the left-hand side of the screen. Find the lead you want to delete (you can use the search function) and tap the name.

This will bring you to the lead details page where you can tap the "Trash Icon" to remove the lead.

Need for more help?

If you have additional questions about removing a lead, let us know at support@openhomepro.com

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