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Publishing - Profile Pages & Feeds

Answers to common questions about Agent Profile Pages

1. Profile Pages

1.1. Settings

Using the “Settings” section on your Agent Dashboard, you can manage what appears on your Agent Profile Page and your RSS Feed. From the lower left corner of your Agent Dashboard, click on ‘Settings’.

Here is a summary of each setting:

Display My Ratings - this is where you can choose to display or hide all of your ratings. You can also choose to display your ratings in detail (showing the rating for each survey) or in aggregate (a blended average of all ratings).

Display My Testimonials - this is where you can choose to display or hide your Testimonials.

Lock My Profile - If your account is integrated with another system via our API, this prevents a third party system from updating your Profile via the API. This can be useful if you have made edits directly in your profile that you do not want to be overwritten. You can only Lock a profile from your Agent Dashboard. Locked profiles can only be edited via the Broker or Agent Dashboards.

For some integrations, the email on the account must match what is listed in the API. Changing the email on your RealSatisfied account can stop the automatic creation of Survey invitations. Please check with your Office Admin before making a change to your email.

Notifications - here you can choose whether or not to receive email notifications related to survey invitations and gift reminders after your client completes a survey.

Survey Language - you can choose the default language for your surveys when they are sent to your client. At this time, we offer English and Spanish surveys in the US, and French in Canada. 

Default TimeZone - click on the drop-down label to choose/change your default timezone.

Change Password - this allows you to change your password. Click on the pencil icon then enter your current and new password. Click save.

Close Account (Agent Pro & Agent Lite Only) - this will remove your account access, disable your profile page, and permanently delete all of your testimonials, surveys, and ratings. Please note, we do not offer refunds or partial refunds once you have been billed/invoiced.

1.2. Accessing Your Page

By default all Team Members have an Agent Profile Page based on their vanity key e.g. http://www.realsatisfied.com.au/lisa-archer. A page can be accessed publicly at this address.

Team Members can access the settings for their page from their RealSatisfied dashboard, and Office administrators can access the settings for any Team Member in their office from the Team Member profile under Admin>Team Members.

To be able to access your Agent Profile Page settings, you need to have a access (email & password) for RealSatisfied. Team Members that are marked as 'Exclude from Invitations' do not have a profile page, and profile pages are deactivated for inactive accounts and disabled offices.

2. Profile Feeds

2.1. Agent Profile Feed

Every agent who has an Agent Profile Page also has an Agent Profile Feed (RSS Feed). Agent Profile Feeds are provided in RSS format and can be used to integrate profile information, ratings and testimonials into other websites - for example an agent's profile page on an office website or an agent website. 

The feed contains real time data and the contents are controlled by the 'Settings' within our Agent Dashboard.

Accessing your Agent Profile Feed is simple. Just go to the 'Publishing' section of your Agent Dashboard and scroll down to 'RSS Feeds' under 'Feeds & Widgets'.

Your web host or the person/company that manages your website should be able to work with your RSS Feed to incorporate your ratings and testimonials onto your website.

2.2. Office Feed

Just as each agent has an Agent Profile Feed, each office has an Office Feed. The office feeds are an aggregation of all testimonials for an office and can be used to integrate this information into other websites.

The office feed includes every testimonial (the content and the author as supplied by the customer who wrote the testimonial), the date, the agent's name, a link to the agent’s Agent Profile Page, the type of customer who provided the testimonial, and a path to the agent’s photo/avatar.

The Office Feed is supplied in RSS format. A link to the Office RSS Feed is available on the Office Details page for each office.

2.3. Wordpress Plugin


RealSatisfied Widget - WordPress plugin for RealSatisfied.

A WordPress plugin is available from WordPress.org for RealSatisfied customers.

Get the plugin.

The plugin takes data from the Agent Profile RSS feed and displays Testimonials and Ratings (where available) in a sidebar widget for your WordPress site.

Testimonials that are displayed on your Agent Profile Page are displayed via the plugin and where rating's are displayed on your Agent Profile Page are displayed via the plugin.

WordPress Plugin Configuration Options

Title : default Testimonials, set as required

Vanity-Key : eg simon-jones. Your vanity key is whatever is on the end of your Agent Profile Page URL (http://www.realsatisfied.com/{vanity-key})

Animate Automaticallydefault True, if unselected, the visitor will need to navigate between testimonials mannually 

Hold each slide for : Set's the delay between slide transitions in seconds (ignored when Animate Automatically is not selected)

Animation Type : default Slide Set's the animation type between slide transitions (Slide or Fade)

Display Side Arrowsdefault True

Display Navigation Dotsdefault True

Display Dates with Testimonialsdefault True, dates will be shown with testimonials

Display RealSatisfied Verified Shielddefault True, RealSatisfied Sheild with link to Agent Profile Page is displayed on testimonial detail pop-up layer